Friday, January 28, 2005

Home again with Elijah

This is certainly not a typical week for us. My work seems to have slowed down and since I still have a chest cold it is a blessing to be home a bit. I like my chances to stay home with the kids when I can get them. This also gives me greater times of reflection and Bible study. I want to let everyone know that I will be preaching on sunday morning, Feb. 6 at our church. Please keep me us your prayers, God is at work in the life of our family and in the growth of our church. We are also going to try to finish getting the rest of our things moved from Rochester this weekend- a seemingly on-going project.

I will very soon share more about my family and I and our plans this coming fall. We are very excited to do this! Love you all, more soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Need prayer, not feeling great today

Just want to drop a quick spot to ask that you would all keep us in prayer. Elijah was up most of the night, sick. Ginger and I are also sick and dragging, both of us were up with up Elijah frequently during the night. I should say though that there is a blessing in this. My boss (and father-in-law) let me out of going to work today so I get to stay home with my son and he and I can be sick and get better together. Ginger did go to work today, she's pretty tough. Please keep our health in your prayers. We love you all, and let's remember God's faithfulness today!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

First blog for the Bansens.

Well, this is a new way for us to share our hearts and lives with friends and family since we don't have time to email that much, visit or spend lots of time on the phone. Hopefully this will be a resourceful avenue for me to share our lives with you. Keep us in your prayers as we are a growing family that is seeking more purpose and structure in our lives in order to serve God better. More soon, love the Bansens.

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