Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Fall '06 Newletter Finally Hits the Blog!

Greetings to Everyone, from Chico, California! Thank you all for your prayers for our journey west again. The truck pulled the U-haul faithfully across the mountain ranges, even though we prayed our way up more than one steep grade.  At times, we wondered how the pioneers ever did it with horse and wagon! God’s hand was definitely on us!
At our first Monday Morning Meeting, all the staff laid hands on us in prayer and received us as part of the YWAM Staff family. We felt we had come full circle, having been sent out by so many back home, and now received into the work God has for us here. Thank you again to you who have sent us! We miss all of you back home, and at the same time, it is good to once join our YWAM teammates.

Our First Few Weeks
On our arrival we realized that August was a very busy time here. It’s a month of continued summer camps, in addition to preparations for the fall terms of the different YWAM schools. I (Shawn) spent my first three weeks working in the kitchen because of a personnel shortage and a lot of campers to feed. Then, because it is this YWAM base’s practice to run everyone through an orientation in all departments before placing them in their work-duty, I spent a week working in each of the main departments, including Conference, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Grounds. (Much of the time I’ve been abducted by the maintenance dept. to troubleshoot electrical problems…the base has plenty.)
The talk is that I will probably be put into the Maintenance Department for awhile. With most of the buildings here over 50 or 60 years old, there is much to be done. I’m so glad Ginger’s dad taught me to (had the patience to…more like) wire houses and troubleshoot electrical problems! In addition to the practical stuff of Maintenance, I’ve been leading worship for some of the Discipleship Training Schools, as well as help in some of the base corporate meetings. We love how there’s such a blend of practical and spiritual life in our service here.

Teaching School! by Ginger (Mrs. Bansen  )
I have been growing thru the challenges of teaching early elementary and preschool for the first time. Keep the prayers coming! It was just 3 weeks prior to the start of school that we learned that I and another mom would be co-teachers of 11 pre-K to 3rd graders in YWAM Chico’s International Christian School. (The main teacher had to leave just before our arrival.) In that short time before school started, we transformed the small Base Library into a second classroom and dug our way thru mirads of teaching supplies and curriculum. We teach some parts together, and then I take the 2 pre-K boys and a kindergartener to the Library for my class, while Jana works with the 1st & 2nd grades. Now into our 4th week of school, the kids are learning and responding well, and teaching me things in the process, too! Their joy and love for learning and play brings joy to my day. Here’s some of their adorable faces:
Hannah (far L) and Elijah (4th from R) with friends from their new school
– most are our students!

The Homestead
We were placed in one of the older staff cottages here on the side of the canyon. (Some of the buildings here date to the 1900s…) Like most of these cottages, it had needed some serious attention. One of the main workers told us that as he and the other staff from maintenance re-wired, re-plumbed and generally overhauled the house, he had spent hours praying for our family. Knowing that made it all the more special!
We’re also blessed by our mountain-side view of the canyon, and the kids are enjoying having their own rooms for the first time!

Ministry this Fall at YWAM-Chico
YWAM-Chico is looking ahead to a busy and fruitful semester training up new leaders for the Kingdom. TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) was in full swing when we arrived. We have 14 foreign ESL (English as a Second Language) students here, mostly from Korea, but some from Brazil and Guatemala. The beginning of September, the college age DTS (Discipleship Training School) and 30+ singles and families (Crossroads DTS) arrived, bringing a fresh crop of willing learners to pour into. Even though we’ll be officially functioning mostly in service and teaching jobs, every day we have opportunities to rub elbows with the students: at meals, when they join us for work duties, and in the evenings. It’s whole-life discipleship… learning to follow Christ in all areas of life, even the mundane. We’re excited to be a part of it!

The Support Report
This is the part that is harder to share with everyone, but essential to communicate in the grand scope of ministry here. First, Thank You very much for your prayers and financial gifts to get us out here. The many one-time donations we received helped us to get established and have brought us thus far. Our budget is taking shape as we determine what we will need and what we can do without. We’re grateful for those who have already committed to partner with us on a monthly basis. However, we currently do not yet have the sustained monthly support that we need to cover our living expenses. I say “yet” because we know that God always provides when we ‘step out’ in obedience to His will. In light of this, please prayerfully consider joining us as a part of our monthly support team as the Lord directs you. It is regular supporters who make up the financial foundation for missionaries on the field. We each have a vital part in carrying out the Great Commission, and together we can partner in that assignment.
Again, we are so grateful to all who have already given and prayed for us, as well as those who have sent one-time gifts since our arrival. We are here as an extension of the Body of Christ (you!). We truly could not have answered this call without your involvement. May you and your family be blessed.

Serving Christ and You,


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