Sunday, December 09, 2007

Fall Semester ICS News from Ginger

Greetings from ICS (International Christian School) at YWAM-Chico! Several friends have asked to see pictures of my students, so here they are!

This first one is of me and 'my boys' at the Book Family Farm in October. The whole school learned about pumpkin growing, enjoyed a corn maze and got practice lasso-ing a haybale 'bull' on a fieldtrip this fall. It was a blustery day, but much fun was had by all!

This year I started out with 4 second grade boys and a 1st grade girl in my class (right). Hannah was excited to move up to Miss Dayna's 3-6th grade class (left).

We trained two new teachers for the start of school this fall--Elijah's new Kindergarten teacher, Miss Jemma Green (left), and Mrs. Cheryl Grigg-the new Jr-Sr High teacher (pictured with her
class and Miss Dayna's, below).

Since our principal retired in May, we are all learning to balance the administrative details, along with our regular class instruction and preparations.
I think God stretches us and we grow the most when we’re left with no other options. We make do, we get creative, we figure it out. And we do a lot of praying! James 1:5 has probably been my most quoted and prayed scripture since about June! :} But God IS FAITHFUL – His wisdom often comes at just the right time….

Next Semester I’ll be calling on that wisdom further as my duties at the ICS (International Christian School) of YWAM-Chico will shift again. With just 14 YWAM Staff children attending, another teacher and I will be combining our classes. Our 3rd – 6th grade teacher is being called to other areas of service, and I will take her place, along with absorbing my 2-3 returning 2nd graders into that classroom (two are on CDTS Outreach with their parents). I’m excited for the new challenges ahead!

These are our 4 classes from this fall.
Almost half of these students are now on Outreach with their parents. Thanks for your continued prayers for these precious Missionary Kids who, like their parents, have given up home and family to serve the Lord. They are all precious children, with giftings of their own to be developed and treasured. It's such a joy to work with them here!

Thanks for your support and prayers!
:) Ginger

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